Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy

What is RO-DBT?

Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a powerful, transdiagnostic therapy aimed at addressing overcontrol conditions such as perfectionism, anxiety, challenges with food and body image, overwork, and maladaptive overachieving. Created by Dr. Thomas Lynch, this intervention relies on skills-based techniques. Following years of rigorous research and study, it has demonstrated robust efficacy in treating conditions resistant to conventional talk therapy methods.

What is involved in RO-DBT treatment?

RO DBT interventions are designed to increase psychological flexibility, build deep connections with others, and enhance personal resilience. This treatment includes individual therapy, a weekly skills class, therapist consultation, and between session skills coaching. Each of these components is essential in providing the best outcomes for your treatment.

How long will I need to be in RO-DBT Treatment?

A course of RO-DBT treatment can last for 6-12 months, with a 30-week commitment to skills training class. Some individuals find that they may reach their goals within 6 months, while others may choose to continue in therapy to deepen their practice and learning for longer.

Is RO-DBT appropriate for couples and families?

Often, overcontrol can impact the relationships that are most important to you. You may be unaware of why certain behavior patterns keep repeating, or why you struggle to achieve success in relationships. Couples therapy and Family Therapy can be a helpful place to change overcontrolled behavioral patterns of either one or both members of a couple or family. Dr. Owens provides RO-DBT for couples and adult families.

How do I get started?

Call 702-508-9181 to schedule an initial assessment to determine if RO-DBT is right for you.